Below you will find helpful travel details. The service and the reception will be held at the same location.
Getting there
Wedding Venue
238 Schoolcraft Rd
Lufkin, Tx
The venue is a beautiful location several miles out of Lufkin. There should be plenty of parking, but if you can carpool to the event, that would be helpful. All roads to the venue are clearly marked. Both Google Maps and Apple Maps will give helpful directions.
Hotels Near By:
The venue is several miles outside of Lufkin. We recommend any hotel inside of Lufkin that you are comfortable with. There won’t be a big difference in travel time if you get a hotel in the cluster of hotels availiable in Lufkin.
The closes campgrounds to the venue is going to be the Lufkin KOA. Ratcliff Lake is a beautiful park within 40 minutes of the venue. It is a favorite place of ours to hike.